The BIP utilizes the information received from the child’s FBA to write an intervention plan that is effective and relevant to the target behavior. A good BIP identifies replacement behavior to be taught, antecedent interventions or prevention strategies, and consequences for having engaged in the inappropriate behavior. Depending upon the school district, the BIP is written as a team or by the Behavior Analyst.

Vital Behavior Services offers a BIP with these components:

  • Using the function of the target behavior as a guide, Behavior Analyst recommends prevention strategies (antecedent interventions)
  • Consequences are identified, based solely on the function of the behavior, to ensure an effective intervention
  • Behavior Analyst recommends and models how to teach appropriate replacement behaviors
  • Included with a BIP is a hands-on training for home and school staff, 2 visits after the FBA & BIP are complete
  • On-going support and contact with the home and school staff