When we refer to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) we are talking about a method of teaching all of the skills that come together to help us become socially successful people.  When we come into your home for individualized instruction, we utilize the concepts in ABA to build these skills in your children.  Individualized instruction is for students of all ages.  We work on skills such as increased requesting and commenting, improved play and leisure skills, direction following, social play, and self-help skills.

Parent Interview: Upon first meeting, we sit with parents to discuss concerns, describe target behaviors, and talk about present levels of functioning using ABA-based assessment tools.

The best way to get a sense of the independent ability of the child is to watch what he is able to do on his own, without prompting.  During the first sessions we observe the child in the natural environment and have him/her engage in specific tasks during the assessment process.

One-on-One Instruction: After assessment, we work with the parents to write programs that suit the needs of the child’s development.  While working directly with the child, we show parents what we are working on so they can carry over the skills successfully.

Parent Consultation: It has been our experience that children progress faster and learn skills more effectively when parents help teach target skills throughout the week.  Consult time allows questions to be answered to ensure successful, fun teaching opportunities throughout the week.